Here Is The Order Of Planets In The Solar System


The Solar System's outermost point is thought to be 9 billion miles from the Sun. The enormous, elliptical Oort Cloud lies beyond the heliopause and is thought to encircle the Solar System. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and maybe Planet Nine are the planets in the Solar System's sequence, from nearest to the Sun outward.

1. Mercury

The eighth planet from the Sun is Mercury, which is just somewhat bigger than the Moon and the smallest of the eight planets. Due to the lack of an atmosphere to trap heat, the surface temperature of mercury swings greatly, reaching 800°F (430°C) during the day and -290°F (-180°C) at night. goes.

2. Venus

Following the Moon in brightness in the night sky of Earth, Venus is the next planet from the Sun. It is referred to as Earth's sister or twin planets and is comparable to Earth in terms of size and mass. One of only two planets that revolve in opposition to one another, Venus has a slower rotational period than the other planets, lasting 243 Earth days (east to west).

3. Earth

The fifth biggest planet, Earth, is located third from the Sun. The four seasons are brought on by the oblique rotation of the Earth's 365.25-day orbit around the Sun. Because the Moon is merely a natural satellite, the Earth's gravity interacts with it. This slows the Earth's rotation, which generates tides, and helps stable the direction of the Earth's axis.

4. Mars

Because of the soil's presence of iron oxide (rust), Mars, the fourth planet from the Sun, is also known as the Red Planet. The polar ice cap, which is permanently frozen, as well as the tallest known mountains and the greatest canyon in both hemispheres can all be found on Mars.

5. Jupiter

The biggest planet in our solar system and the sixth planet from the Sun, Jupiter is also one of the brightest things that can be seen with the unaided eye. With a little amount of other gases, it is mostly made of hydrogen and helium. Cloud bands and the Great Red Spot, a massive storm that has persisted for more than 300 years, were generated by the interaction of the outside atmosphere with inside heat. Three flimsy rings surround Jupiter as well.

6. Saturn

The second biggest planet from the Sun, Saturn is sometimes referred to as the ringed planet. It is sixth from the Sun. Saturn features a conspicuous ring system made up of ice and rock particles of varied sizes and orbital velocities and is pale yellow in hue as a result of ammonia crystals in its upper atmosphere.

7. Uranus

Similar to Venus, Uranus rotates counterclockwise to the other planets and is the seventh planet from the Sun. Additionally, only Uranus revolves on a sideways axis, which means that its poles face east and west while it spins on its side.

8. Neptune

The eighth and furthest planet in our solar system is named Neptune. It is the 4th biggest planet and, like Uranus, is made of gas and ice. It also has a number of moons and faint rings. Neptune is also the only planet whose presence was foreseen by mathematics prior to telescopic observation. These forecasts are mostly based on modifications to Uranus' orbit.

9. Pluto

Pluto, the 9th object circling the Sun, was formerly classed as a planet but was reclassified as a dwarf planet in 2006 due to a revision in the definition of a planet.