Things You Should Know About Gold Facial - Benefits, Cost, etc


Gold facial is one of the most trendy facial treatments at salons but is it worth it? Keep on reading till the end to know.
Amongst all the facial treatments available at the salons, gold facial is known to be one of the most demanded ones. Why? The surprising skin benefits of gold date back to the era of Cleopatra. The Egyptian queen used to apply a gold face mask each night for glowing skin. Luxe beauty, alas! No?

What Is Gold Facial?

While a gold facial treatment, gold-based products - cleansing gel, scrub, face cream, and mask are used on the face and neck. Generally, the ingredients have 24K gold dust mixed with other beauty ingredients such as honey, saffron, sandalwood, rose water, and aloe vera gel among others. 

Benefits Of Gold Facial 

1. Gold Facial Delays Signs Of Ageing

None of us wants our skin to appear saggy and old. It is the collagen in our skin that affects the ageing of our skin. When the collagen begins to deplete, your skin gets saggy and then you might notice the signs like fine lines and wrinkles. Gold facial slows down collagen depletion and protects your skin from sagging. Getting a gold facial done on a regular basis helps in preventing the appearance of signs like wrinkles, fine lines, and pigmentation. 

2. Gold Facial Makes Your Skin Glow

Gold aids in boosting blood circulation in the skin. It also leads to lymphatic drainage which is amazing for the skin. This further helps in giving your skin a natural radiance. 

3. Gold Facial Keeps Skin Disorders At Bay

Gold has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which are good for the skin. These properties keep any skin problems like breakouts, itchiness, redness, and dry flakes at bay.

4. Gold Facial Reverses Sun Damage

Sun damage is quite common during the hot and humid weather. Gold is an amazing ingredient to treat sun damage. Gold minimises the production of melanin which is the black pigment in the skin responsible for skin tanning. 

5. Gold Facial Lightens Skin Complexion

If you feel your skin has started to get dark and dull because of exposure to environmental factors like polluted air, sun, dust, gold facial should be your pick. The small particles of gold get absorbed into the pores of your skin and lighten your skin complexion, giving you clearer, lighter-looking skin colour.

Side Effects Of Gold Facial 

Gold facials generally don't have any side effects. Although, they may not work for acne-prone skin. Do consult your dermatologist if you have acne and want to go for a gold facial.

Cost Of Gold Facial In India 

Gold facials are white expensive as compared to regular facials. The range of gold facials begins at INR 1000 and can go up to INR 5000 and more.

Gold Facial Procedure

The procedure of a gold facial is same like that of a regular facial. Tis basic procedure includes the following steps - 

1. Cleansing 
2. Scrubbing
3. Facial Massage
4. Facial Mask

Not only can you get a gold facial done at the salon but also at the comfort of your home. Yes, at your home, you can do this facial. You will find many gold facial kits available in the market. According to your skin type and also keeping your budget in mind, you can do this gold facial treatment at home. 

But you have to make sure you don't do or get a gold facial done too often as it can damage the skin in the long run. It is advised to get a gold facial done once a month for best outcome.