Top 4 Types Of Instagram Collaborations That Influencers Should Know About


This is completely an influencers’ world. Therefore, Brands are using influencers more than anything to promote their products and services. If you are also an influencer or are planning to be one, then you need to know about these 4 types of Instagram Collaborations.

  1. Sponsored Content

The most common kind of influencer collaboration is paid content. Here, the influencer produces and publishes content to advertise a brand on their social media pages. Collaborations between influencers on Instagram are particularly common because the medium enables fans to actively engage with their content and, consequently, the company they are working with.

  1. Gifting Collab

Gifting collaboration is providing free things to influencers in exchange for product promotion. The influencer can create material such as video reviews and product demos, or he can snap photos or videos of the product and broadcast them on his social media profiles. This can boost your brand's or business's sales.

  1. Sponsored blog/vlog post

A sponsored post for your blog is one in which a brand works with you to create a genuine blog article in which you review their product or service.

It might also be their product or service mentioned in a piece about a valuable issue that your audience would like. It provides greater context and motivation to test a product/service.

  1. Takeover

A takeover occurs when a brand requests that an influencer take over their Instagram for a specified period of time. This might include tales, reels, posts, or any other form of content! Sometimes the brand will grant you complete access to their account, and other times they may ask you to submit them content that they would then repost on your behalf.