YouTuber Kunal Kushwaha Net Worth, Income In 2023


Kunal Kushwaha is a YouTuber from India who has reached 310,000+ subscribers and uploaded 283 videos since the channel was launched 3 years ago.

Net Worth of Kunal Kushwaha's Channel

The total value of Kunal Kushwaha's channel is $16,233.

What is Kunal Kushwaha's income from YouTube?

The following is an approximate sum of what could be earned from ads on the channel, based on the language, cost, and the amount of viewers. Daily: $23, Weekly: $158, Monthly: $1,300, and Yearly: $15,605.

Kunal Kushwaha's current channel statistics and income.

This is a breakdown of the data from the past two weeks, divided by days. The least amount of views in that time was 37.24K while the most was 125.90K. In comparison to the preceding period, we have seen a weekly average growth of 5.7% and a monthly average rise of 22.9%.


20 May $81
19 May $72
18 May $80
17 May $135
16 May $133
15 May $90
14 May $133
13 May $77
12 May $40
11 May $38
10 May $37
9 May $40
8 May $133
7 May $40
6 May $40