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Top 7 Benefits of Camphor For Your Hair

Top 7 Benefits of Camphor For Your Hair

The first thing that comes to our mind when we think of the word camphor is small translucent squares that are easily flammable. Camphor is generally used in the daily puja routines and in all major ceremonies where a fire is lit, big or small across the country. But did you know that camphor for hair is a vital ally to keep your hair healthy, silky and shiny? Another thing most of you already know is that camphor is usually associated with preserving winter clothes and keeping them bug free.

 Read till the end to find out several hair care tips and more about camphor.

  1. Camphor for Stronger Hair

  • Ingredients:

Camphor oil, An egg.

  • How to use:

  1. Combine camphor oil and a raw egg.
  2. Apply it to your hair, mainly focusing on the roots.
  3.  Leave this concoction on for 15-20 mins
  4.  Wash it away with a shampoo and lukewarm water and experience the results for yourself.

  1. Camphor and Coconut Oil for Hair Growth

  • Ingredients:

Camphor oil, Coconut oil

  • How to use:

  1. Mix equal amounts of Camphor and Coconut oil.
  2. And use this concoction to massage deep into the roots of the scalp.
  3.  Keep this combination in your hair for up to 20-30 minutes.
  4.  After this, wash thoroughly with a shampoo and repeat this exercise regularly in the week to reap the benefits of camphor for hair.

  1. Camphor for Hair growth

  • Ingredients:

Vatika Hair Oil, Camphor oil, Essential oils

  • How to use:

  1. Massage this solution of your favorite Vatika Hair Oil variant, Camphor oil, Essential oils deep into your hair.
  2. Additionally, prepare a hair mask of camphor oil, yogurt and eggs.
  3. Use this hand concoction for at least once a week to get significant results.

  1. Camphor for Softer Hair

  • Ingredients:

Camphor oil, Olive oil

  • How to use:

  1. Mix the camphor oil and olive oil together very well.
  2. Apply generously to the roots towards the scalp.

  1. Camphor for Dandruff

  • Ingredients:

Camphor oil

  • How to use:

  1. Just apply camphor oil religiously.
  2. Follow it up with healthy eating and lifestyle practices.

  1. Camphor for Itchy Scalp

  • Ingredients:


  • How to use:

You have to be careful with this procedure as camphor has the tendency to burn when applied to dry skin or scalp. Make sure the skin is not inflamed as application of camphor will cool your scalp and reduce itching greatly.

  1. Camphor for Lice and Bugs

  • Ingredients:

Camphor oil

  • How to use:

  1. Mix camphor oil in your bathing water.
  2. Watch it cleanse and disinfect your scalp and body.

  1. Camphor for Grey Hair

  • Ingredients:

Hibiscus flowers, Virgin coconut oil

  • How to use:

  1. Gather some hibiscus flowers and use some virgin coconut oil.
  2. Ensure the virgin coconut oil is boiled and boil the flowers with them.
  3. After visible boiling, turn off the heat and put two camphor tablets.
  4. Wait for the solution to cool down and massage it thoroughly into the hair and scalp.
  5. Follow this routine religiously and you will notice the slowing down in the growth of grey hair.